Thursday, January 15, 2004

Last night I finished reading Bringing Down the House. Overall, the story was good and the writing was horrible. I kept feeling that I was reading a thinly veiled management book that was used for demonstrating the fundamentals of lean manufacturing or some such thing (The Goal is a glaring example of this genre). The other thing was the author, who has seemed to do a bit of research on MIT made a couple glaring mistakes:
  1. Students do not graduate "with honors" in the standard sense from MIT (I mentioned that the author kept saying a student in the book graduated with honors to a fellow MIT alum. Her response: "You can't do that."
  2. The Harvard Bridge was referred to as the Mass Ave. Bridge (At least he didn't call it the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge)
  3. The students referred to the Infinate as the Infinate Corridor (Something that was rarely done if a student was beyond his freshman year)

As I wrote in my reading journal, I am not surprised any more by the things that MIT students get involved in, so the story was just interesting as entertainment. I wish, though, that the kid who was being profiled had written it. I'm sure he could have done a much better job (since he's a graduate, he must have passed Phase II) then the author


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