Friday, November 12, 2004

I have to vent this somewhere, and since no one sits near me, the web gets it.

I hate the fucking vending machine in my building!

In the 1.5 years I have encountered this machine I have had a myriad of problems with it. The problems include, but aren't limited to:
  • Not taking nickels. (What kind of messed up vending machine doesn't take nickels?!)
  • Refusing to dispense Peanut M&Ms
  • Giving change in nickels when it won't accept nickels
  • Being "temporarily out of service" when I am jonesing for a snack
  • Having only Cheddar Chex Mix when I want plain (Okay, I know that isn't really the machine's fault, but I still hit it and swear at it.)
Sure, I could just go to the cafeteria when the vending machine is being a bitch, but they only have King size candy, and I would have to interact with a person when I was planning on interacting with a machine. That could just ruin my day.


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