Friday, May 28, 2004

I am glad to hear this as I am a big Clinton fan, and Kerry needs all the help he can get. Clinton is one of the best orators in the modern day, and Kerry made a smart choice to have Clinton speak in favor of him.

On another note, Clinton is really starting to show his age. In my bedroom at my dad's, I have a postcard of Clinton from when I was in 9th grade. He still had dark hair. It is amazing how 8 years of running this country can age you.

Curious what four years has done to our current president? Here he is circa 12/2000. Here he is today. I can't believe it, but he looks the same, if not better. I guess the war has really taken a toll on him..

Thursday, May 27, 2004

This is frightening (warning...a little too weird for work). It is okay to feel good about your body, but I really don't want to look at it.

This site was posted in Dan Savage's collumn in The Onion AV Club, in response to Dan's comment that there are some people that don't look so hot in low rise jeans. I completely agree on the jeans thing. You should be approved by a fashion guru before walking out of a store with a pair of those. Again, is okay to feel good about your body, but I really don't want to look at it.
iTunes has an interesting idea with its celebrity playlists. Unfortunatly, as this Slate article says, celebrities have really boring tastes in music.

...iTunes celebrity playlists call forth visions of Matchbox 20's Rob Thomas nervously offering you a mix tape. A mix tape that sucks.

I am sure my mix tapes suck as well, as the majority of them were made to listen to on my bus ride home in middle school, or my car rides to and from school in high school. My current playlist (developed in college, thanks to Napster when it was free), has a bit more diversity--because I wasn't limited to the tapes I had, or the music I could get decent copies of off the local oldies station--but would probably suck to anyone but me.

Maybe that is the point of mix tapes--unless you are making them for some one else--that they will show off your own tastes, that will probably been seen as horrid to anyone else. (I included Bert and I peices on some of mine. I liked them, but I am sure anyone else who listened to it found it hopelessly lame. Dry Maine humor is definately an aquired taste and one that takes a long time to aquire, unless you were born in Eastern Maine Medical.)
A story in the Moscow Times about how world war three almost started. Luckily, there was a Soviet commander who didn't want that responsibility:

Petrov declared it to be a false alarm -- not because he had any evidence of that, but because he wanted it to be false.

And the world was saved through inaction. I wonder how often that happens?
This is just getting out of hand. Parents, stop feeding your kids endless amounts of crap! 3 year olds should not be dying of heart failure due to obesity.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

An amusing story about doctors' neck ties. I am glad my current physician is a female.

I am also glad to here this:

Luckily, none of the strains the New York researchers spotted on neckties were of the super strains that resist multidrug treatments.

I'll never go near another neck tie again!

Monday, May 24, 2004

Guys, you are going to have to start feeling yourself up once a month just like us girls have to.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

This is an interesting map that shows the number of cases and deaths from West Nile for 2003. Based on thier numbers, an individual has a 2.66% chance of dying from the disease.
The Cyber Church is up and running, though they have had to change how people can interact with eachother due to some problems. Evidently, Britain's children are not as respectful as the mother would have hoped:

...most of the problems happened during the night in Britain, when people log on from the United States and Australia.

We're heathens. ;)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

This picture of Michael Moore is just plain scarey. He reminds me of a fat despot getting ready to take over a country. Don't get me wrong, Moore is cool, but that picture really isn't.
A different way to think about the possibility of a creator of the universe. I could be made partial to this explaination.
I found this quiz on job satisfaction. My current level is medium.
How in the world does one leave aStrad out on the street by accident?

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

America! This is what your childern are going to turn into if you insist on teaching abstenance only.

I only wish it had happened in Texas...

Friday, May 14, 2004

Gnomes are awesome!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Great article about the type of sit-com that Frasier is, and what its ending will mean for TV. I now realized why I really enjoyed the show: it was very adult, and I've been an adult since I was 10 (or at least 13, since that is how old I was when Frasier started).

Friday, May 07, 2004

A story in CNN about human remains that were found in a evidence room. The interesting part is the name of the Sheriff: Pat Garrett. If I remember correctly, there is a famous Sheriff Pat Garrett who killed Billy the Kid. (Confirmation curtiosy of Google.) I wonder if this modern day Pat Garrett was named after the man who gunned down Billy the Kid. I also wonder if the modern day Garrett had a limit as to his choice of jobs due to his name.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

And here is Disney's side of the story.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

This page proports that it has an easy way to remember and use physics equations based on a chart. I can't figure out how to use it. Any help?
It has been proven once again, Disney is a big evil corperation that only cares about the bottom line. They are reportedly blocking Micheal Moore's lastest film:

Emanuel [Moore's agent] said Eisner expressed particular concern that it would endanger tax breaks Disney receives for its theme park, hotels and other ventures in Florida, where President Bush's brother, Jeb Bush, is governor.

Stupid Bush family.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

This is thanks to Jason. What a bitch it would be to rotate the tires.